StuCo assembly gallery

AIP is always a great way to catch up on some homework, take time to decompress, and hang out with your friends.  However, no St. Charles West student can resist an assembly during the AIP (academic intervention period) time.  Today, the St. Charles West student council held their annual spring sports assembly.  The assembly took place during AIP in order to ensure all classes had the same allotted time, and made sure to appeal to the students.

The spring sports assembly consisted of recognition towards spring sports teams such as men’s golf, men’s baseball, men’s tennis, girl’s soccer, men’s track, and girl’s track while also bringing in games.  Some of the games included Hot Potato, a childhood classic, and Just Dance.  The assembly also included a Kahoot game for all spring sports athletes and the winning singers from the SCW Talent Show last week.

Overall, the assembly had a phenomenal environment to be in, and showcased a lot of St. Charles West spirit for the spring sports awaiting ahead.  Go Warriors!

PICTURES BY: Mackenzie McGuire (unless marked otherwise)