A Teenagers View on Quarantine
May 18, 2020
Everyone is hearing politicians views about quarantine, along with celebrities and other adults. But what about a teenager? What about someone who is just a ‘regular’ person? Someone who is not in the limelight.
Today we will look into the life of a 15-year-old girl, Hannah Schmitz, and how
she is looking at quarantine.
A little background on Hannah. Hannah is 15 year old Freshman at St. Charles
West High School, with three brothers. A younger, older, and twin. Along with
two dogs Simba, and Jezebel. Her quarantine began on March 14, when her school
got shut down for 3 weeks. Which later turned to April 27, then finally school was
shut down for the rest of the year.
So what troubles her? Well one of the more obvious things is her mental health.
Like a lot of teens, Hannah has struggled with anxiety and depression for some
time. She stated “…there is a lot more anxiety having to manage your own schedule…”
Another thing to think about is that for teens, this is a big moment in their life to find
themselves and socialize. Hannah explained that “I want to go to a restaurant with my friends
and get food. That’s all I ask.” and “I would like to hug people…”
But it’s not all bad. She has found ways to look at the bright side of these dim times.
Hannah states “I feel like I’ve probably become a lot less self destructive and just like
ya know why not…” She also finds comfort in her two dogs and appreciates them
helping her get out of the house and exercise.
She has also gotten back to some of her old hobbies, like learning new music, and
a little bit of reading.
And at the end of the day, everyone has opinions, and everyone knows the opinions
of every single celebrity or politician. But they also have mansions and businesses.
So what about the girl living down the street. What are the opinions of a girl who
lives like the majority of Americans?
For starters, what is her opinion on the quarantine itself, is it too much, or not enough?
Hannah tends to go with the latter. She states “they’re reopening a lot of nonessential
business as essential. So I think they are not doing enough. Nail salons aren’t essential.
I’ve heard they are even reopening dog hair salons, that’s extreme, people are dying.”
How will this affect society? Well for Hannah she thinks that it might not all be sunshine
and rainbows, “Well, there’s definitely gonna be like a large impact on how close people
will get and how weary they are of other people, and probably still a lot of racism at Aisan
and specifically Chinese people.”
So there you have it. The ins and outs of your average teen. But keep in mind this is not
every teens’ thoughts and opinions. Nevertheless, it gives you insight to the kid down the