The Outsiders Book Review

The Outsiders Book Review

Mila Kemp, Staff Writer

In the novel The Outsiders you follow Ponyboy, a 14 year old boy. The book details  the conflict between two rival gangs divided by their social status working class greasers and the upper class Socs. One night Johnny who is a part of the Greasers with Ponyboy gets jumped one night and in order to save Ponyboy from being killed he stabs one of the Socs killing him. In order to not be put in prison they go to a fellow friend and Greaser Dallas (Dally) Winston who gives them money for food as well as a place to hide out saying he would see them at the end of the week to check on them. The boys go to an abandoned church atop of a hill cut their hair with Ponyboy and Pony bleaching his hair as well to have disguises. After that things go downhill. What will happen? Will they be caught?  Will it all go wrong? Find out in S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders.