German 2 IKEA trip

Mila Kemp, Head Editor

On Thursday February 23rd Frau Martin and Herr Rein’s German 2 classes went to the Swedish furniture store IKEA for most kids it was their first time going whilst they were there they did a speaking test where they went into one of the model apartments and had to speak German for 2 minutes about things about the room all kids passing with flying colors. We also ate at the IKEA restaurant having amazing food and IKEA’S famous Swedish meatballs we had plenty of time to explore the huge store and had fun scavenger hunt in the store as well as buy lots of things as long as we could fit it on the bus the biggest item bought was a mirror by a kid from SCH and surprisingly it didn’t crack on the way back to the school. SCW and SHS German classes are going to The Saint Louis Zoo on April 20th.