Lost in New Jersey: An Irish Exchange Program Story


Alexis Arriola

Missing a flight can be very scary, but missing a flight with nine other kids on your way home from a different continent can be scarier. The nine Irish exchange students had this exact issue. From their connecting flight to New Jersey from Ireland being delayed, then missing their flight back to St. Louis, and then having to stay a night in New Jersey these 2 days were jam-packed for them. 


When Mya Buehrle was asked about having to stay in New Jersey for a night and missing their flight she said, “It was fun hanging out with everyone but stressful not knowing when we would get home.”

Megan Johnson had a similar answer stating, “…a little bit stressful because I wanted to go home and we didn’t know when or if we were going to get home, but we got shake shack and we sprinted through the airport.” 


On top of being stuck in New Jersey they also ended up having their luggage get lost…talk about luck. Tune in for the final edition of the Irish Exchange Program Story