Why does everyone feel the need to remove Thanksgiving after Halloween and jump right into Christmas? There is another holiday there and it’s a rather important holiday; you’d think people wouldn’t skip over it so gleefully.
I get it if they are like “Oh well there isn’t a whole lot of Thanksgiving themed decorations and music” well counterpoint there, just reuse Halloween decorations. Most of them are more fall themed than specifically Halloween or just ya know. make your own.
I’m not bashing Christmas lovers, I mean I love Christmas, but I think that November is a Thanksgiving and end of fall time, while December is the Christmas season and the beginning of a wonderful, winter. It’s like how February is the time of Valentine’s even though it’s not the most extensive and important holiday of that month.
Besides, people should celebrate thanksgiving more anyhow. It’s literally a day of food and festivities with people of your choosing. What is there not to like?