Driving at SCW

Mackenzie McGuire

A Nissan Rogue steering wheel

According to modot.org, with the Missouri population being 6.1 million (as of the 2010 census), about 4.3 million people have a driver’s license.  As a conclusion to this data, Missourians are highly likely to become licensed drivers at one point in their life.  At St. Charles West, around 1/3 of the students are licensed drivers.

So what do you need to know when it comes to driving? What tips and tricks are there to help pass the driving test and become a better driver overall? Fortunately, St. Charles West drivers have been interviewed to give underclassmen tips and tricks on driving in all conditions.

“Be confident enough so that you’re comfortable behind the wheel but also defensive so that you can realize how people will behave before they do anything!”, says junior Claire Mascia.

“Make sure to stay off your phone and buckle your seat belt”, says junior Barrett Disselhorst.

As for the underclassmen right now, some things that other schools have been implementing are driver’s education classes. On average, driver’s ed. classes minimize the amount of accidents behind the wheel (according to driversed.com) and it is super beneficial when teaching defensive driving.  In some states, it is considered mandatory to take a driver’s education course.  If you are an underclassmen, it is highly recommended that you take a driver’s education course as it minimizes your risk and chance of accidents on the road.